Making Sarcoma History
At Kicking Goals For Xav, we are driven by one goal; to make sarcoma history.
Known as ‘the young person’s cancer’ sarcomas are uncommon cancers with devastating consequences as they can take months to detect, making treatment and survival chances extremely slim. Sarcomas are very aggressive tumours derived from soft tissues, or bone and cartilage and are highly ‘metastatic’ which means they can spread to other tissues and organs and this is the major cause of death. The search for a cure for sarcoma depends upon: (1) better early detection; and, (2) development of effective new treatments.
All monies raised by the Xavier Krikori Foundation go to The Australian and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA) to fund research programs, to ensure that those diagnosed with sarcoma have more time, options, and a greater chance of survival than Xavier had.
Please join us in making an immeasurable difference in the lives of young people so that they may share our future.